The annual event dates back to 1953 and attracts artisans, entertainers, and craftspeople from all persuasions. Pictured are Pat Erhard and Roxanne Walter of the Newtown Quilters’ Guild, with one of the quilts they raffled off at the event.

The annual event dates back to 1953 and attracts artisans, entertainers, and craftspeople from all persuasions. Pictured are Pat Erhard and Roxanne Walter of the Newtown Quilters’ Guild, with one of the quilts they raffled off at the event.
A labor of love for over 35 years, “To The Moon And Back” is the inaugural novel by local author Kathi Kotchi. This attention-grabbing work shows how love can take on many forms. The story revolves around 14-year-old Jessica Maxwell…
Stacy Roth, Marcia Ann Kasper, and Lance Peterson brought music from the Washington Crossing Fifes and Drums. Gary Lovins and Walt Jerdan manned the American Legion Post 834 table. Brian Salt and Chris Kilmer, of the Falls Twp. Fire Company,…
Falls Township’s sixth annual Touch a Truck fundraiser, which was held recently, raised a record-breaking amount for The Barkann Family Healing Hearts Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides financial aid to families throughout the Delaware Valley who are in need…
Falls Township’s sixth annual Touch a Truck fundraiser, which was held recently, was bigger and better than years past, featuring even more large trucks, excavators, towing vehicles, utility trucks, mowers, emergency response vehicles, fire trucks, construction vehicles and heavy machinery. …
With any luck, the Vermillion Hills footbridge on Vermont Lane could be refurbished in the coming months. On August 28th, the Falls Supervisors unanimously authorized advertisement of the improvement project. “This has been going on for a long time,” Supervisors…
Home SHARE (Shared Housing and Resource Exchange) came to Bucks County this year. It brings together a homeowner (Host) who has a private bedroom available with someone (Sharer) who is looking for an affordable place to live. The program is…
During Monday’s Falls Township Supervisors meeting, the board recognized 7 police officers who were recently promoted. Meet the officers: David Gold was hired by Falls Township as a police officer in February 2008. He is a member of the SWAT…
Progress continues on Falls Township’s major renovation project at its municipal campus. On August 28th, the Supervisors voted unanimously to award the mechanical construction contract to Allstates Mechanical, Ltd. in the amount of $4,227,215; and the electrical construction contract to…
United Way of Bucks County recently announced a significant expansion of its Pre-K Counts program, offering greater access to free high-quality early childhood education county-wide. Pre-K Counts provides quality early education to three- and four-year-old children at no cost to…
The Pennsbury School District has announced the latest class of inductees into the Pennsbury High School Hall of Fame. The newest members are Ashley Zampini Ritter, Class of 2003; Corey Cochrane, Class of 2000; Lavoy Allen, Class of 2007; Ryan…
After determining that two of the contractors considered for the municipal building renovation project did not meet the qualifications outlined in the township’s Responsible Contractor Ordinance, the Falls Township Supervisors on July 24th issued notices of intent to award municipal…