Officers pictured left to right: Deborah Kaplan, President; David Chamberlain, Sergeant of Arms; Linda Pupkiewicz, Treasurer; Gail Chamberlain, Secretary
Feasterville Rotary is part of Rotary International, the world’s first volunteer service organization with 1.4 million members globally. Rotary’s 46,000+ clubs in over 200 countries and territories encourage high ethical standards and carry out humanitarian projects. Rotary was formed in 1905; its first club was in Chicago; its headquarters is in Evanston, Illinois.
The seven focus areas are peacebuilding and conflict prevention, disease prevention and treatment, water, sanitation, and hygiene, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, community economic development, and environment.
Rotarians strive to follow Rotary’s Four-Way Test of things we think, say, or do: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Our motto is “Service Above Self.”
Feasterville Rotary was chartered in 1973, providing help to the following throughout the years: A Women’s Place, Area of Aging, Ekenywa Water Project in Kenya, Friends of the Lower Southampton Library, Howler Art and Literary Magazine, Travis Manion 9/11 Heroes Run, Neshaminy Senior Center, Playwicki Farm, PolioPlus, Sunshine Foundation, Advocates for Homeless and Those In Need, Lower Southampton Township Library, Najivunia Kuwa Dada School in Nakuru, Neshaminy Senior Center, Playwicki Farm, PolioPlus, St. Peter’s Orphanage in Uganda, Travis Manion 9/11 Heroes Run, Bucks County Youth Orchestra, Crisis Canine Response, tree planting, disaster response, Symphony Manor, HOPE (stop sex trafficking), Kisses for Kyle (childhood cancer), Abbey’s Bakery (youth mental health awareness), Shop With a Cop, and Wreaths Across America.
Feasterville Rotary projects include our Coats for Kids program, providing new warm coats for Lower Southampton Township children in need, replenishing local food banks, honoring exceptional high school students of the month from Bucks County Technical High School and Neshaminy High School, and providing scholarships to high school seniors for higher education. Our scholarship application is available at the high schools. Feasterville Rotary sponsors Rotary Youth EarlyAct and Interact at our local schools.
Through the decades, due to the generosity of residents, businesses, and organizations, we have been able to fund programs through fundraisers, networking, and press releases. Our annual fundraisers are bingo (the Friday before Mother’s Day) and Football Mania virtual football. Thank you for your continued support. Rotarians look up to the challenges, and you are with us! We are people of action in our community and across borders.
Our meetings are held at Erwin’s Country Kitchen, located at 4059 Brownsville Rd, on the first through fourth Thursday mornings at 8 am. Please visit us; it will be our pleasure to meet you.
We look forward to 2025’s goodwill opportunities.
Yours In Service,
Deborah Kaplan