Local women make BIG difference with little effort

The concept is simple yet brilliant. Bring at least 100 women together who want to make a difference, but can’t fit one more thing into their busy lives to agree to meet for one hour a quarter and donate $100 each time. This is the concept behind 100+ Women Who Care- Bucks County. Here’s how it works: 

At each quarterly meeting, members in attendance can nominate a local charity for consideration. The charities must be a 501(c)3 and the funds must stay in Bucks County. The names of three charities are pulled from those nominated and each makes a short presentation at the next quarterly meeting about why they deserve the funds. The members in attendance vote, and the funds are awarded according to the vote count. That’s it: Brilliant, right??

Currently membership stands at 250 women. That means that $25,000 is raised in one hour to help those in need in our local community. That’s $100,000 a year – with 4 hours of work! No muss, no fuss. No charity auctions with bad food and, even worse, wine where you pay too much for stuff you don’t want or need. Like I said, it’s brilliant!  Why don’t you join us!

This amazing group of women have donated funds to A Woman’s Place, Shamrock Reins, Family Services of Bucks County, Mother Bachman Clinic, Bucks County Housing Group and many, many others. We are a lean, mean, philanthropic machine that makes a significant impact on those in need in our community. And we do it with relative ease.

Imagine what we could do if there were 300 members! 500 members!! If you’re interested in making a difference in your local community, but don’t have the time for traditional fundraising, please contact local realtor and founder, Lynne Kelleher at 215-813-6655 or for more info, or visit Also, find us on Facebook or join our Facebook group.

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